Vegetation from satellite imagery
This series of maps shows the land cover classification in the Outer Islands of Chuuk. The dataset was developed by Island Research & Education Initiative (iREi) (2015) through manually digitizing 2013-14 WorldView-2 satellite imagery from MAXAR, formerly Digital Globe, provided by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The features were classes into the following basic categories: open areas (no forest canopy), mixed vegetation (agroforest, coconut plantation, atoll forest), wetland (taro patches, mangroves), water bodies (mostly brackish water ponds), etc. The dataset was created as part of the “Geospatial Information Development and Application to Support Effective Decision Making in the Federated States of Micronesia” project funded through the NOAA Sea Grant Coastal Storms Program (2014). The dataset was slightly modified by iREi (2023) to remove identified topological errors.